Useful resources
Child Abduction
This website contains information about international child abduction, including: steps to prevent a child being removed from Australia; a guide for applying for the return of a child taken from Australia under the Hague Convention; and contact details.
This website includes information about the Family Law Watch List (airport watch list), how to place your child on the Family Law Watch List and what to do if your child is on the watch list.
This independent not-for-profit organisation provides assistance to families experiencing international parental child abduction. The site includes downloadable general information.
This website includes information about making a child alert request with a link to the child alert request form.
This website provides information about the role and services provided by the Child Protection Unit of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Child Related Matters
This website provides general information about and referrals to support services to help parents and their children through the separation process. The Advice Line provides phone information and referrals: 1800 050 321.
Children’s Contact Services provide safe, neutral and child-focused venues for supervised visits and changeovers to occur between children and their parents and other significant persons in the child’s life.
ACCSA is a non-profit association that provides an online directory of Children Contact Centres in Australia.
Support Services for Children
Following their parents’ separation, some children experience difficulties and require support to help build resilience.
A free 24-hour counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years.
Broad range of services to individuals and families such as counselling, mediation and family dispute resolution regarding separation, family violence, mental or emotional health difficulties.
A Family Report is a document written by a social worker or psychologist appointed by the Court. Its purpose is to provide an independent assessment of the issues in the case. This helps the judge hearing the case to make decisions about arrangements for the child/ren. It may also help the parties reach an agreement.
Post-Separation Parenting
There are services available to help parents to adapt to parenting after separation, learn about children’s responses and reactions to separation and gain skills in shared parenting and conflict management.
Individual counselling and group education courses.
An Independent Children’s Lawyer is a lawyer who represents the best interests of a child or children in family law proceedings. They present information to the court about a child’s welfare and views but do not represent a child directly. This website also includes information for children whose parents are attending court.
Child Support
This website explains the child-support assessment process. It provides online child support estimators, options for the payment and collection of child support, information around issues when the children or parents have been living outside Australia and also gives access to resources for people affected by family violence. New applications for child support can be made from this page.
This webpage provides links to child support forms including: Application to Change your Assessment – Special Circumstances; Application for Post Separation Income to be Excluded; Child over 18 in full-time secondary education; Child Support Agreement; Estimate of Income for use in Child Support Assessment; and, Non-agency Payment Details.
This webpage contains a range of information to help parents understand the child support scheme.
A technical guide to the Australian child support system, it contains: information about the scheme; child support assessments; registrable maintenance liabilities; the rules relating to objections, reviews, appeals and Court applications under the child support legislation; and options for collection of child support payments.
Information available includes daily Court lists, online forms, downloadable brochures, Court filing fees, costs, judgments, legislation, and contact details. This site contains a wide range of useful information and resources for separated parents and couples, kids, young people, grandparents and other family members. The information given also addresses issues arising upon separation, divorce, child-related issues, family violence, property and financial matters, and the Court process. Applications for divorce can be made through the website.
Access to your family law matter online. From this site you can see a list of documents filed and Orders made, file court documents online, and see upcoming Court dates.
Information available includes daily Court lists, online forms, legislation, and contact details.
Family Violence
A 24/7 information and support service for men, women, and children who have experienced family violence.
The Magistrates Court of Queensland can make Temporary Protection Orders to protect people from family violence.
Individual Support Helplines
This website includes information and provides support to help members of the community to achieve their best possible mental health. It provides contact information for targeted national helplines and websites as well as support groups and online forums.
This website provides information for those experiencing a personal crisis and gives access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. It also provides tool kits and referrals to online peer support forums.
This website provides access to legislation and Rules, including:
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) – the main legislation covering family law disputes
Family Law Rules 2004 (Cth) – rules governing the court process in the Family Court of Australia
Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001 (Cth) – rules governing the court process in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia
Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) – legislation about the calculation of child support
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1989 (Cth) – legislation about the collection of child support
Professional Bodies
The Family Law Section is a professional association for family law practitioners. Their website provides general information for the public about family law and family lawyers.
The Queensland Law Society is the peak body for the Queensland legal profession. Their website includes general information for the public about the law and lawyers in Queensland.
The Australian Property Institute is the leading membership organisation for property professionals. Their website provides information with respect to qualified and experienced property professionals who can assist in your matter, for example by valuing your property.
The IAFL is a worldwide association of lawyers who are recognised as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries. This website can help you find an experienced family lawyer in Australia or overseas.
The Queensland Bar is the professional association of barristers in Queensland. The website provides information about the role of a barrister and includes profiles for all Queensland barristers.
This is a not-for-profit body that represents those who work in family law – solicitors, barristers, social workers, psychologists, members of the judiciary and associated fields.
These website pages provide access to the Superannuation Information Kit. This kit provides the forms you need to obtain information from the Trustee of an eligible superannuation plan in order to value a superannuation interest. These forms include: Form 6 Declaration; Superannuation Information Request Form; and the Superannuation Information Form.
Note: many superannuation funds provide their own version of these forms and/or online fact sheets and booklets regarding the valuation and splitting of superannuation for family law purposes.
Links to some specific funds and forms
australiansuper.com/tools-and-advice/forms-and-fact-sheets (Request family law information)
telstrasuper.com.au/information-hub/find-a-form?uid=d117bcc3-c4ea-43e7-9d82-5a7b28308809&Catergory=%7B48CBBB02-FCD1-43DF-A99B-4E4587131322%7D&Division=- (Request for family law information)
This webpage links to a variety of industry funds. Undertaking a “family law” search on most sites will provide you with information regarding the valuation and splitting of superannuation in family law matters.
The following links provide access to Family Court Judgements and Court of Appeal Judgements.
Find Cases/Judgments in the Family Court of Australia:http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdb/au/cases/cth/FamCA/
Find Cases/Judgments in the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdb/au/cases/cth/FamCAFC/