You have to be special
to be our client
We are defined by the customers we don’t serve.
This page identifies: who you are; what you really want; and the results you seek.
Who you are:
You are:
A professional, entrepreneur, SME owner, or separating from a narcissist.
A person with realistic expectations who will listen to advice.
A person with insight: someone who is accountable and takes responsibility for your life because you accept that while your future depends on many things, it’s mostly you.
Not buying our time, you are buying our results.
You want:
And expect, to receive value from our services.
A fair outcome that provides you with financial security.
A child-focused parenting arrangement.
To resolve your family law issues without protracted and costly litigation.
To move into the next chapters of your life with confidence and purpose.
You do not:
Believe family law is about winning.
Want to financially and emotionally destroy your spouse.
Have unrealistic expectations that you seek to pursue regardless of sensible advice to the contrary.
Believe your children should be involved and exposed to adult conflict.
Rely upon your children to meet your own selfish emotional needs.
Emotionally or physically abuse your spouse or children.
Make false allegations of violence against your spouse.
If you hold these beliefs or act in this manner, we are comfortable in saying “our services are not for you”.
Your expectations and beliefs are inconsistent with our values. We shun the nonbelievers.
If you are not one of these people but your spouse is, we can help you.
You are not:
Long on vengeance and short on self-awareness.
A narcissist or bully.
A scammer or pretender.
A discount shopper.
A bankrupt and/or have gambling or drug addictions.
If you are one of these people, your expectations will be served by others. Again, we shun the nonbelievers.
If you are not one of these people but your spouse is, we can help you.
“ It’s axiomatic: You’re as good – or as bad – as the character of your customer list. In a very real sense you are your customer list.” – Tom Peters
What you really want...
You don’t really want to buy legal services. What you want is change!
You want an inherently personal transformation from where you currently are to where you want to be.
Family law can feel as frightening as stepping into the ocean and swimming without direction. Common thoughts you have include:
Will I receive a fair outcome? I don’t want to lose everything. My ex is being unreasonable. I can’t see a solution.
What is the process? How long will it take? How much will it cost? It sounds complicated. I feel stuck.
My business has complex corporate and trust structures. I need to protect the business and ensure any resolution is tax effective.
How can I protect my assets after we separate? I am concerned my ex may try to sell or dispose of assets.
How can I ensure the best parenting arrangements are put in place for my children?
My ex is involving the children in adult issues, denigrating me and abusing me in their presence. How can I shield my children from this?
My ex is a narcissist and bully who wants to control and destroy me. I want to separate, but I am frightened that this will be a very difficult and painful process. I feel exhausted.
My sister went through this process and she said her lawyers were more concerned about maximising their billable hours than meeting her needs.
Can I trust my lawyer to put my needs first? Lawyers in general don’t have a good reputation. Money seems to be their priority. I am putting my future in the hands of someone I don’t know, trusting them to do the right thing by me and my family.
No matter who you are, whether you are a specialist medical practitioner, tech entrepreneur, SME owner or primary caregiver to the children, you want to transition from your current feelings of anxiety and uncertainty to feeling relieved and optimistic about your future.
The results you seek
We will guide and architect that transition for you by:
Planning upfront a path to resolve your matter that will provide you with peace of mind.
Being transparent about the process, costs and timeframes.
Putting your needs before ours.
Making you feel safe and in control.
Assisting you to be proactive.
Delivering on our promises.
Exceeding your expectations.
We promise you will step into the ocean with purpose and a destination.
We will plan your destination from the beginning. You won’t be swimming for your life.
“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” – Rainer Maria Rilke