Our values
We are unapologetic about who we are and what we stand for.
The motherly “apple pie” values that appear on almost all company value statements, such as integrity, teamwork, ethics, quality service and community, are great ideals but are really just inauthentic, vague, feel-good platitudes that are good for company window dressing.
We however have specifically chosen our values to be the foundation of our business. Our commitment to our way of being.
On this page, you will see why we really are:
1. Transparent
2. Trusted
3. Different
Our values determine the metrics by which we measure ourselves and everyone else. They guide all our company actions. They clarify our identity. They are the rallying point for our employees. They are not “apple pie” values.
Our values are tough values to uphold and they inflict pain on us because they:
● Constrain our behaviour
● Demand constant vigilance
● Limit our operational freedom.
We choose to follow our values because our people want to take a chance at uniqueness to benefit our niche clientele. They do not want to be a cog in the system.
We are always looking for the right talented people who embrace our values to join us or become referral sources.
While other firms focus inward and put financial interests first, this inspires business owners, but not customers and employees…
We focus outward by putting the client’s interests first, firm second, individual last.
While others play games and bend the rules for short-term gain…
We play by the rules. We are open and fair in everything we do.
While others hoard work for financial gain…
We give work away to outsiders if they can do it better, faster and cheaper than us.
While others seek to keep family law a mystery…
We demystify it.
While others make the simple complicated…
We make the complicated simple.
While others are opaque because they pass the buck and subscribe to victimhood chic…
We take responsibility because our future depends on many things but mostly us.
It is a fallacy that blame and responsibility are the same. Someone may be to blame for an event in our life, but nobody is ever responsible for our unhappiness because we control how we see things and react to things.
“It ain’t about how hard you hit. It is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That is how winning is done … and not [by] pointing fingers and saying you are not where you want to be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that.” – Rocky Balboa
While others stand for nothing other than meeting their billable hour targets…
We look outside to the customer and deliver what they desire and value.
While others cannot be relied upon…
We are paranoid about being mediocre.
While others are disrespectful or arrogant towards those they see as inferiors or with whom they disagree…
We treat everyone as if they are our boss. It works because it is personal.
While others struggle to see the wood for the trees…
We identify what is relevant quickly.
While others often abandon themselves to bile, bluster and point-scoring…
We are proud that the hallmarks of our conduct are being courteous, calm and mindful.
While others slam doors, raise voices, become enraged and unprofessional…
We remain composed and objective.
While others file vexatious applications and prepare scandalous, irrelevant and emotionally charged court material…
We remain succinct and relevant.
Being trustworthy is critical because our continuity, accountability and reliability in the past is how we can promise you a dependable path into the future.
“True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you, that means everything else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.” – Warren Buffet
While others are blinded by the old or distracted by the new…
We focus on the significance of a whole new take.
While others believe the status quo is safe…
We believe that fitting in is failing in an overcrowded marketplace and that playing safe is risky.
While others seek certainty…
We avoid it.
While others claim to have passion and creativity…
We don’t need passion or creativity, only insight, to realise that different is better.
While others let fear drive their decisions…
We dance with fear.
While others focus on everyone…
We focus on the critical few, not the insignificant many.
While others embrace compliance and the convenience of the status quo legal model…
We challenge stifling legal orthodoxies because we trust there is a better way.
While other lawyers focus on financial outcomes for the firm to prove they have followed the recipe (inward-focused)…
We don’t have a recipe but rather a vision to provide value for the critical few (outward focused).
While others believe family law is a finite game of winners and losers…
We believe the finite game is counter-intuitive to most family law events because we are dealing with people including children.
While other lawyers take advantage of the fact that they are the only real winners if their client’s enter a finite battle…
We educate our clients that this is only a chapter in their lives and better long-term results are achieved if they play the infinite game instead.
While others file court proceedings to bring war…
We shield our clients from court and only use it strategically to bring peace.
Being different is the only thing about us that will always be the same.
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” – Mark Twain